Here you will find plugins made by individual friends from the Flowstone forum.
The newest additions are at the bottom of the list.
If you want to comment, make suggestions or ask a question I would request that you post, or PM the author directly, on the Flowstone forum. It's under SUPPORT.
About plugins made with Flowstone
DFP Combo flanger
This is a great effect plugin from fellow flowstoner Robert Foulke (BobF). The focus of this is, of course, flanging but if you run through his presets you will hear that it’s capable of much more.
There are 3 effects modules combined in the plugin and they can all individually create the classic flanging or phasing sound, each using a different approach and so creating their own distinct sound. We have the more common delay type, a frequency shifter and a pitch shifter (hence DFP) so you can use these individually to also create effects that these modules might normally be used for.
This is a mono effects plugin and the internal signal routing is under your control from the drop-down boxes. You can choose for the DFP modules to be routed in parallel or you can choose a series configuration for some really wild sounds. The output of each module can have its level adjusted to give the desired mix of effects.
For flanging and repeat echo, feedback is very important. Here you can choose from which point in the chain the feedback to the input is sourced, and of course its amount. You need to very careful with feedback since it can easily tip into oscillation! If this does happen you can easily hit the “Kill Audio” button to clear the buffers, and then immediately reset feedback knob/s back to zero.
The operation of the DFP modules should be easy to understand, assuming you’re familiar with such effects. It’s worth mentioning though that the “Pos / Neg” switches on the panels are simply phase reversal of the modules’ outputs to give a wider range of possibilities. Also note that the delay flange can be set for milliseconds or beats for more melodic type delays. And lastly the frequency flange has a barber pole effect button (use with caution when using feedback), and the pitch flange has a reverse and semitone button for more added effects.
If there are any questions or comments please contact BobF on the Flowstone forum since this is his baby!
Have fun!
The 2SYN-hex is a guitar to MIDI controller interface authored by Nix (Nick) from Phonics Audio. The plugin needs a hex pickup from the guitar; that is to say one pickup element per string.
If you have any questions please join the Flowstone forum and ask nix. The topic link is
Nick says it’s working really well so we hope you find it useful.
20 Channel Vocoder with formant shift
This is a great sounding, high accuracy vocoder made by BobF. It uses 20 channels to follow and reconstruct the signal and has many features not normally found in such a plugin. As with all Vocoders this is added as an effect with a MIDI input for the on-board synth so beware the need to get your DAW routing correct. Bob has provided several presets to demo and use as starting points.
If you have any questions or comments please contact the author on the Flowstone forum:
Updated 7.8.17 to version 2
This is a stereo 96 stage PHASER/RESONATOR, so that's a total of 96 series all pass filters and in series mode a total of 192. The number of stages can be selected separately for each channel.
This was created by Robert Foulke ("BobF") so if there are any questions please contact him via the Flowstone forum. The download includes a user guide created by the author.
Bob's Logic Gated Synth
This is Robert Foulke’s (BobF) first synth and it’s great!
It uses an unusual “logic gate” method of creating the base waveforms and this is capable of generating a huge range of sounds which can evolve over time and interact in remarkable ways.
You really must listen to his starting-point presets and experiment to get a feel for this synth, which is in no way just another analogue style instrument.
The zip includes his basic user guide to get you started.
Update 10.2.17: Now at version 2 which includes an arpeggiator.
Bob's Non-Linear Phase Modulation Synth
Here is BobF’s (Robert Foulkes) second synth plugin.
Again it uses an unusual technique for waveform generation and comes with several presets to demonstrate some of what can be achieved.
Well worth checking out and the zip includes his user guide to explain more about it.
Bob's Wave Slider
This is the Wave Slider synth by Robert Foulke (BobF). This utilises and unusual technique which can displace (slide) part of the oscillator waveform.
The zip contains his user guide which explains in some detail what’s going on.
If you have any questions or feedback please contact him through the forum or on the Flowstone and SynthMaker Facebook group
Bob's Dual delay Looper
This is another unusual and clever offering from Robert Foulke (BobF).
It enables you to make recordings, and loop them from controllable start and end points in the loop, so you can hear sections repeating. It does so much more too, so you need to read the included PDF user guide to hear about the possibilities and operation.
As always, please contact BobF on the forum for any questions or feedback.
HB3 Pipe Organ
The HB3 is a pipe organ emulator made with very precise observations by a man who is very much in the know about these wonderful instruments: Hugh Banton.
He has written a very useful manual which is included in the download.
Any questions please ask Hugh. Here is the forum post where you can contact him:
Have fun playing with his organ!
Digital Echo Delay Unit
This unusual and very flexible Echo Delay was made by Espen Osa (AKA Halon).
There are several demo presets provided to get some idea of what it can do.
If you click on Help, in the central preset manager, you will see information relating to its operation. Any questions please ask Halon directly on the Flowstone forums.
Have fun!
LA Bands
LA Bands is a nice straightforward 15 channel graphic equaliser by Robert Ellis Langford AKA Le Attol.
If you have any questions or would like to give feedback, his forum username is
The download contains the VST plugin and the FlowStone schematic.
Note: Version 2 is available now. See lower down the list.
LA Esquire Limiter
The LA Esquire limiter is made by Robert Ellis Langford AKA Le Attol, so please contact him via the FlowStone forum if you need more information or wish to comment:
The download includes the VST plugin, Flowstone schematic and a document containing his email address for direct contact. I don’t like to publish private email addresses directly on this site for security reasons.
LA Bands 2
This is version 2 of LA bands above, by Robert Ellis Langford AKA Le Attol.
If you have any questions or would like to give feedback, his forum username is
Saturn synth
Saturn is a really nice synth created by “Halon” with a selection of great sounding and highly useable presets.
Click on the picture to download it.
For information and comments, here is the FlowStone forum link:
Have fun!
minDy S
The minDy S is obviously a synth heavily inspired by what is probably the most widely used and adored synth ever made; the Mini Moog.
The GUI you see was made by Kevin Brown.
The huge range of preset banks was made by Manfred Plümer and covers a vast range of sounds, highlighting what this relatively simple synth can do.
The download includes 32 and 64 bit plugins for the regular one with audio input, and the FL Studio one with no audio inputs for easy use in FL Studio.
Now you too can become Rick Wakeman!
Vostok Mk 1
Vostok Mk1 is a virtual analogue synth designed by Halon.
Halon says “It's inspired by the Yamaha CS-60/80 and a fictitious synthesizer from the USSR that might have been made back then. I have always been intrigued by the synthesizers from the USSR.”
The download includes 32 and 64 bit versions, with and without external audio input. More details in the included Plugin info document. Click on the INFO label bottom right to access the user help.
Coming soon...
Watch this space!